Nieuw boek over de Ethica aangekondigd dat nieuwsgierig maakt


Van Elhanan Yakira, die in 1946 in Israël werd geboren, aan de Hebreeuwse Universiteit in Jerusalem en aan de Sorbonne studeerde, waar hij zijn doctorsgraad in de filosofie behaalde, en sinds 1994 filosofieprofessor aan de Hebreeuwse Universiteit [CV], zal na boeken over Descartes, Leibniz en Spinoza in november verschijnen:


Elhanan Yakira, Spinoza and the Case for Philosophy. Cambridge University Press,  November 2014 –  ISBN 9781107069985

Het kwam inderdaad 14 dec. 2014 uit en is inmiddels op in te zien.

This book analyzes three often-debated questions of Spinoza's legacy: Was Spinoza a religious thinker? How should we understand Spinoza's mind-body doctrine? What meaning can be given to Spinoza's notions – such as salvation, beatitude, and freedom – which are seemingly incompatible with his determinism, his secularism, and his critique of religion. Through a close reading of often-overlooked sections from Spinoza's Ethics, Elhanan Yakira argues that these seemingly conflicting elements are indeed compatible, despite Spinoza's iconoclastic meanings. Yakira argues that Ethics is an attempt at providing a purely philosophical – as opposed to theological – foundation for the theory of value and normativity.

Addresses the most general question about Spinoza through close readings of very short sections of Ethics
• Refutes one of the main dogmas of Spinoza scholarship: the parallelism thesis
• Offers a comprehensive interpretation of one of the most difficult and least studied parts of Ethics: the second section of the fifth part.

Kortom, het belooft nogal wat!    


Toevoeging: cf. review door Alexander Douglas in blog van 14 aug.2015: "Elhanan Yakira’s "extremely opaque" Spinoza-boek"