Vandaag werd op een gastblog geplaatst, waarin de van haar Sabbatical genietende Spinoza en Peirce scholar Shannon Dea haar Spinoza-tattoo toont en vertelt over een Spinoza-wandeling die ze voorbije dagen maakte van Amsterdam naar Den Haag. Zij deed het in twee dagen. Ik citeer een alinea:
"Why would someone undertake a walk like this? I did it because I love Spinoza’s thought, and I admire Spinoza the man. In a way, I wanted to seal my relationship with Spinoza with a kind of grand gesture. This isn’t the first time. I celebrated my 40th birthday by getting a Spinoza tattoo. Now, I’m 44 — the same age at which Spinoza died, as it happens — and living in the U.K. for a year, which makes it easier for me than it usually is to travel to continental Europe. It occurred to me to visit Holland’s various Spinoza sites. As soon as I realized that the whole geography of Spinoza’s life fit into a walkable distance, the idea of doing the walk became an idée fixe for me. The two things that particularly appealed to me about the idea were that such a walk would be both an embodied activity and a meditative activity, and that it would be difficult. Both of these themes are central to Spinoza’s thought." [zie verder aldaar]