Waar blijft de nieuwe Spinoza Fellow?


Waar blijft de nieuwe Spinoza Fellow?

Van 1 april 2009 tot 30 juni 2009 was Richard Goldstone de eerste Spinoza Fellow – zie dit blog. Jaarlijks zou een internationaal gerenomeerd wetenschapper, jurist, journalist, schrijver of kunstenaar worden uitgenodigd voor dit eervolle fellowship.

De website van het NIAS meldt hierover.

The Spinoza Fellowship is a joint venture between NIAS, the City of The Hague, The Hague Campus of Leiden University and Radio Netherlands Worldwide. This annual fellowship hosts a fellow who may be internationally renowned scientist, jurist, journalist, writer or artist. Spinoza Fellows will research a subject relating to international peace, justice and law and make his or her research accessible to a wider audience.
Apart from a residency at NIAS, fellows will spend this period inspiring interest in specific themes among the Dutch and the international community by means of readings, debates, interviews and publications. The new initiative has the broad support of a variety of Dutch organisations.
The Spinoza Fellowship is an invitational fellowship.