Het Amerikaanse joodse Magazine Tablet kwam met een lijst van 101 Great Jewish Books – a catalog of the works that shape the Jewish Mind in America today. Ingedeeld in zeven rubrieken. [Cf.]
De rubrieken zijn:
Appetites, Authenticity & Experimentation, Laughing & Complaining, The Jew in the World, The Old Country, Suffering & Loss, What is Judaism?
In de rubriek "Laughing & Complaining" is Spinoza's Ethics ondergebracht. Waarom staat Spinoza daar tussen dit lijstje:
Herzog, Saul Bellow (1964)
The Feminine Mystique, Betty Friedan (1963)
Auto-Emancipation, Leo Pinsker (1882)
Without Feathers, Woody Allen (1975)
Das Kapital, Karl Marx (1867)
Adam Resurrected, Yoram Kaniuk (1971)
The Anxiety of Influence, Harold Bloom (1973)
Ethics, Baruch Spinoza (1677)
Catch-22, Joseph Heller (1961)
Philosophical Investigations, Ludwig Wittgenstein (1953)
Breakdown and Bereavement, Joseph Haim Brenner (1920)
The Street of Crocodiles, Bruno Schulz (1934)
Hungry Hearts, Anzia Yezierska (1920)