Naar aanleiding van hetgeen Wim Klever schreef in een reactie op het blog over het komende boek van Steven Nadler, A Book Forged in Hell. Spinoza's Scandalous Treatise and the Birth of the Secular Age, wijs ik op twee zaken:
[1] Steven Nadler eindigt zijn Preface met: "This is not a book on Spinoza's philosophy as a whole. Nor is it even a study of Spinoza's religious and political philosophy; I have considered the philosophical theology and political themes of the Ethics, as well as his late and unfinished Political Treatise, only insofar as they are relevant to my project of elucidating the Theological-Political Treatise. [..]” Hij mikt, als ik het goed begrijp, op een breder publiek.
[2] Er is eveneens een boek (van heel andere aard) over de TTP op komst van Susan James. Zij mikt meer op "scholars and advanced students of history of philosophy, political philosophy, and intellectual history."
Susan James: Spinoza on Philosophy, Religion, and Politics. The Theologico-Political Treatise. Oxford University Press, | 978-0-19-969812-7 | Hardback | January 2012 (estimated)
1: Spinoza's Project
Part I. Revelation
2: The Meaning of Prophecy
3: What Divine Law Is Not
4: What Divine Law Is
5: Worship
Part 2. Demystifying the Bible
6: The Meaning of Scripture
7: Putting the Proper Interpretative Method to Work
Part 3. Meeting the Demands of a Religious Life
8: True Religion
9: Theology and Philosophy
Part 4. The Politics of True Religion
10: Life in a Republic. The Lessons of Philosophy
11: Life in a Republic. The Lessons of Theology
12: Sovereignty and Freedom