"Louis Van Gaal, Nederlands grootste denker sinds Spinoza"



Louis van Geniaal: keeperswissel Oranje gaat de wereld over [Servaas van der Laan in Elsevier]. En hoe… 

"In a move that’ll be spoken of in reverential tones across the Netherlands for years to come, Oranje boss Louis Van Gaal, now sure to be regarded as the greatest Dutch thinker since Baruch Spinoza (who gave rise to the Age of Enlightenment), substituted skyscraper-tall Newcastle goalkeeper Tim Krul for starter Jasper Cillessen in the final minute of extra time.
Of such winning gambles legends are cemented, statues erected, songs written." [George Johnson op Canada.com]

Ook Valerio Morabito heeft in Sport op Blogtaormina.it een artikel met de titel: "L’Olanda, Spinoza e Van Gaal"; met daarin 4x Spinoza:  "E proprio per simili caratteristiche richiama alla memoria un suo più noto connazionale: il filosofo Baruch Spinoza. Una delle intelligenze più limpide nella storia dell’Olanda."