In The Telegraph vandaag een arikel over: "The real reasons why death is still so hard to talk about with your loved ones." Header: "As research shows more than half of Britons in relationships do not know their partner's end-of-life wishes, Louisa Peacock examines why death is still so unspeakable – and discovers it wasn't always this way."
Peacock doet een pleidooi dat we meer met elkaar praten over de dood en citeert ene Dr John Troyer die op een conferentie over de dood in Los Angeles gezegd zou hebben:
"Today, this day, and for the remainder of your days, talk about death with everyone you know and encourage them to do the same. Just remember, and here I am paraphrasing the philosopher Spinoza, discussing death is a meditation not on dying but on living life."
Dat noem ik nog eens creatief omgaan met Spinoza.