De Spinoza-reader van James B. Wilbur


In aansluiting op het vorige blog breng ik hier meteen de inhoud van de volgende Spinoza-essay-bundel

James B. Wilbur (Ed.), Spinoza's Metaphysics: Essays in Critical Appreciation. Philosophia
Spinozae Perennis, vol. 1. Assen: Van Gorcum, 1976. Pp. viii + 163. [cf
blog over de reeks Philosophia Spinozae Perennis]

Het boek dat het eerste was in de reeks Philosophia Spinozae Perennis, bevat de
volgende hoofdstukken:

Robert N. Beck, "The Attribute of

Errol E. Harris,"Body-Mind Relation in Spinoza's Philosophy"

Dennis A. Rohatyn, "Spinoza's Emotivism"

Ernest Sherman, "Spinoza and the Divine Cogito: God as 'Self-Performance'

Stewart Umphrey, "Spinoza's Defense of Human Freedom"

James B. Wilbur, "Is Spinoza's God Self-Conscious?"

William J. Edgar, "Continuity and the Individuation of Modes in Spinoza's

Robert Pasotti, "Spinoza: The Metaphysician as Healer"

Stanley Rosen, "Hegel, Descartes, and Spinoza"

Harold J. Allen, "Spinoza's Naturalism and our Contemporary