Vier sterren van Thea Derks voor The Rise of Spinoza


Permalink voor ingesloten afbeelding    Standing ovation for Theo Loevendie after premiere Spinoza.

Muziekschrijfster en radiomaakster Thea Derks geeft vier sterren in haar recensie die ze gisteren op bracht: "NTR ZaterdagMatinee premières Theo Loevendie's opera The Rise of Spinoza" – een vakkundige en enthousiaste bespreking.

Even over Thea Derks – studied English at Groningen University and musicology at Amsterdam University. She graduated with honours in 1996. She was singer/songwriter of the new-wave group Tess. She lectured on modern music in the Amsterdam Concertgebouw from 2003–12, gives pre-concert talks throughout the Netherlands, and is a reporter and programmer for Radio 4, the Dutch classical music station. She recently published a biography on Reinbert de Leeuw that has been well received. [Zie haar blog]

Vandaag tweette ze 

Theo Loevendie captivates audience with new opera 'The Rise of Spinoza' @ZaterdagMatinee @radiofilhorkest @bachtrack

— Thea Derks (@tdrks) 14 oktober 2014