Aan de Western Sydney University zal weer eens een Spinoza-symposium
plaats hebben op 1 en 2 dec. 2016. Thema: Spinoza's Provocations
´There is an explosion of
interest in Spinoza's philosophy in the past decade or so. What characterises
this revival of interest is an increasingly wider perspective in examining his
works. His politics is viewed in conjunction with his metaphysics and his ethics
is seen in dialogue with his epistemology. In addition, there are new avenues
of research, for instance, by asking how Spinoza's philosophy might help us
examine art and literature.
This conference will explore some
of these diverse perspectives that cannot be classified under one field of
philosophy but which function instead as provocations to thinking through
issues that matter today. [Cf. aldaar]
Het bericht wordt geïllustreerd door de Spinoza-illustratie
die Anne Caesar van Wieren maakte bij een groot artikel van Leonie Breebaart in Trouw op 1 dec. 2015: “Baruch Spinoza is helemaal hip”. Aanleiding
was de Casus Spinoza, het symposium dat vijf dagen later over Spinoza’s ban zou worden gehouden.
De herkomst van de illustratie staat er niet bij. 0ver provocatie gesproken…?