Yitzhak Y. Melamed over "Spinoza’s Amor Dei Intellectualis"


Hierbij attendeer ik graag – op een tip van Wim Klever die op zijn beurt door een Facebookvriend werd getipt – op het artikel dat Yitzhak Y. Melamed gisteren op academia.edu publiceerde over:

                            Spinoza's Amor Dei Intellectualis 

Ik geef het direct door voordat ik er zelf al kennis van genomen heb. Ik neem hier als opwekking alvast zijn openingsalinea over:  

notion of divine love was essential to medieval Christian conceptions
of God! .Jewish thinkers, though, had a much more ambivalent attitude
about this issue. While Maimonides was reluctant to ascribe love, or
any other affect, to God? Gersonides and Crescas celebrated God's
love. Though Spinoza is clearly sympathetic to Maimonides' rejection
of divine love as anthropomorphism, he attributes love to God
nevertheless, unfolding his notion of amor Dei intellectualis
at the conclusion of his Ethics. But is this a legitimate
notion within his system? In the first part of this article, I will
explain some of the problems surrounding this notion, and then turn,
in the second part, to consider two unsatisfactory solutions. In the
third part, I will attempt to rework Spinoza's amor Dei
from his definitions of love and the other affects
in part three of the Ethics. In the fourth part, I will
examine closely how Spinoza tweaks his definition of love in order to
allow for the possibility of divine intellectual love, and conclude
by trying to explain what motivated this move."