Onlangs kwam ik het volgende citaat tegen:
“Even a mystic like the Russian, Vladimir Soloviev, was able to admit, "The comprehension of God which Spinoza's philosophy gives us, in spite of all its incompleteness and imperfections, corresponds to the first and indispensable demand of a real worship of God and an immersion in the Divine wisdom. Many religious people have found spiritual support in this philosophy.” [In Spinoza: Portrait of a Spiritual Hero, by Rudolf Kayser, met een inleiding van Albert Einstein, Kessinger Publishing, 2004, p. 320]
Van Vladimir Solovyov (Solovjov, Soloviev, Solov’ev) had ik, moet ik erkennen, nooit gehoord, dus ik ging eens surfen. Blijkt: Solovyov is generally considered to be Russian's greatest 19th century philosopher [yahoo-group Vladimir Solovyov ]. Daarover bestaat kennelijk overeenstemming, want: “widely regarded as the most original, systematic, and influential of the Russian philosophers of the nineteenth century.” [Volgens het Centre for Russian Humanities Studies dat sinds 1998 aan de Radboud Universiteit bestaat.]