Julia Borcherding, “A View from Nowhere? The Place of
Subjectivity in Spinoza’s Rationalism.” In:
Jari Kaukua and Tomas
Ekenberg (eds.), Subjectivity and Selfhood in Medieval and Early Modern
Philosophy. Springer, 2016, 294pp., $129.00 (hbk), ISBN 9783319269122 –
Pages 235-261 – books.google [dit hoofdstuk bij Springer]
In de inleiding schrijven de redacteuren:
In the following contribution, Julia Borcherding asks
whether there is room for subjectivity in Spinoza's decidedly rationalistic
metaphysics that aims to regard the whole of being sub specie aelernitatis. Through a close analysis of crucial
sections of the Ethics, Borcherding
shows that Spinoza moves subtly between strictly ratio-nalistic deduction and
empirical intuitions. In this way, subjectivity can be argued to have played an
important cpistemic role in the construction of Spinoza's monistic system.