Uitgebreid interview met Don J Garrett over Hume en Spinoza


Richard Marshall bracht op 19
augustus 2016 op 3:AM Magazine
(motto: "whatever it is, we're against it.") een uitgebreid interview
met de filosoof Don J Garrett, getiteld:  "Having Cake and Eating it With Hume and
Spinoza" [cf.] Het
grootste deel gaat over David Hume, want met hem heeft Don Garrett zich het meest
bezig gehouden; zie hier de intro:

J Garrett
primarily in early modern philosophy, with special interests in metaphysics,
epistemology, philosophy of mind, and ethics. He has served as co-editor of
Hume Studies and as North American editor of Archiv fur Geschichte der
Philosophie. He was elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in
2009 and was Carnegie Centenary Professor at the University of Edinburgh in
2011. Here he discusses Hume’s notion of ‘reason’, reason’s normativity,
doubts, contradictions and imperfections, lessons for contemporary
epistemologists, what methodological feminism brings to Humean reason, Hume and
causation, whether Hume would have been a Kantian if he’d done more maths, the
bundle theory and personal identity. Then he discusses Spinoza and the
possibility of error, what Spinoza might have said to the German idealists,
whether Spinoza is a Hobbesian, and what makes Spinoza and Hume the greatest
naturalist philosophers of the seventeenth and eighteenth century.

Don J. Garrett was editor van The Cambridge Companion to Spinoza (1995)
en droeg bij aan diverse verzamelbundels (cf. Duitse Spinozabibliografie).

Hierna neem ik het deel dat over Spinoza gaat over: