Studia Spinozana: An International and Interdisciplinary Journal


…. has already become a vehicle as indispensable to serious
Spinoza studies as is Spinoza to Western thought. It is meant to continue the
tradition inaugurated by the Chronicon
in the 1920s but it is unclear what relationship (if any) it
bears to the apparently faltering Cahiers
, last heard from in 1985, the year the present journal began.
Studia Spinozana is conceived in such
a way as to cover the field. Each of its hefty volumes (four have appeared to
date, averaging about 480 pages) is divided into six sections. The first and
longest section presents a series of articles on a special theme, chosen and
edited by expert editors appointed especially for that task. To date the themes
have been Spinoza's Philosophy of Society
(1985), Spinoza’s Epistemology
(1986), Spinoza and Hobbes (1987) and
Spinoza's Earlier Writings (1988) and
Spinoza and Literature (1989). Spinoza and Leibniz is in press. Future
issues will deal with The Ethics in the
(1991), Spinoza and Socialist
(1992) and Spinoza’s
Psychology and Social Psychology
The second section, labelled "Discussion," contains articles not bearing
on the annual theme but on other aspects of Spinoza's life or thought. It is
succeeded by a very useful section on "Documents," which reproduces
or discusses out of print or otherwise unavailable primary materials directly
pertaining to Spinoza. In this section, for example, was printed for the first
time since the Opera Posthuma (1677)
the 31-page index to that work, composed in all probability by Bouwmeester or
This is followed by a section containing brief reports on Spinoza conferences
and colloquia from around the world, and other information that might be of interest.

Aldus Graeme Hunter in een relatief laat review in Dialogue [Volume 31, Issue 04, Fall
1992, pp 733-734, cf.]. Hier opgenomen als greep uit de geschiedenis van het
internationale Spinozisme. En om de zaak van het
over “Waar blijft de internationale
institutionalisering van het Spinozisme?” warm te houden.