Studentenprotest tegen sluiting van hun filosofie’fabriek’ met inzet van Spinoza


Op 26 april 2010 besloot het bestuur van de Middlesex University om een einde te maken aan de filosofieprogramma’s.

The Centre for Research in Modern European Philosophy at Middlesex University is the leading centre for postgraduate level study and doctoral research in Continental Philosophy in the London area. Since its inception in 1994 it has developed a national and international reputation for teaching, research and publication in the field of post-Kantian European philosophy, characterised by a strong emphasis on broad cultural and intellectual contexts and a distinctive sense of social and political engagement. [hier]

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"Management at Middlesex University have shamefully decided to cut all philosophy programs, including the internationally renowned MA and PhD degrees. This essentially means the end of the Centre for Research in Modern European Philosophy, a hub for internationally renowned scholarship and the best RAE rated research department in the University. This act of willful self-harm by the University must be resisted."