Spinoza Institute


Ik probeer te verzamelen wat er zoal met Spinoza 'gebeurt' in Nederland. Hier dan informatie over 'The Spinoza Institute' te Utrecht. Opvallend vind ik in de informatie dat Spinoza als volgeling van Descartes wordt neergezet.

The Spinoza Institute, founded in 1998 at Utrecht University in the Netherlands, has been set up for hosting selected research programmes, not only in theoretical physics. Named after scientist and rationalist philosopher Benedictus de Spinoza (1632-1677), the institute aims to stimulate research in physics from a unifying perspective. At present, one programme has been set up: Quantum Gravity, Strings and Supersymmetry. This program largely overlaps with the program Quantum Gravity, Strings and Elementary Particles of the Institute for Theoretical Physics.