Spinoza in The Cartoon History of Humanism


In een eerder blog wees ik op de serie waarmee op thehumanist.com/ Dale Debakcsy via cartoons de geschiedenis van het humanisme vertelt. Welnu later deze maand verschijnt deze reeks als boek:

Dale Debakcsy, The Cartoon History of Humanism, Vol. 1: Antiquity to Enlightenment. [Cf. & cf.]  

In de aflevering van 26 februarie 2015 was Spinoza aan de beurt.

The Cartoon History of Humanism, Episode Eighteen:
Baruch Spinoza: The Most Dangerous Man in Europe. Begint zo:

By 1670 all of the pieces of modern humanism were in place, waiting for one guiding intellect to join them together at last for a complete assault on the ramparts of organized religion. Abelard had cast doubt on the consistency of the Church fathers; Averroes and Albertus Magnus had attacked the cult of theological authority; Pietro Pomponazzi had dismantled the immortal soul; Paolo Sarpi had defanged the temporal authority of the Church; and Thomas Hobbes had advocated for a vigorous materialism that rewrote the meaning of good, evil, heaven, and hell. Each had a profound impact on the reordering of some aspect of European religious life, but one man was feared as the greatest threat to the very foundation of religion itself since the dawn of recorded history, Baruch Spinoza (1632-1677), the architect of atheism.