Spinoza – a maverick


Uiteraard is Spinoza "a
maverick" – (enige omschrijvingen van internet geplukt:) "a
person who thinks and acts in an independent way, often behaving
differently from the expected or usual way; a rebel, someone who
shows a lot of independence; (original: an unbranded calf that is
separated from its mother); do not behave in the same way as other

Op maandagmiddag 19 mei van 16:00
– 18:00 uur, spreekt Susan James (Birbeck, Londen) in Amsterdam over
"Models to Imitate. Spinoza's Analysis of natural Rights."
Op de website
van de Afdeling Wijsbegeerte van de Universiteit van Amsterdam vindt
je alleen deze titel, locatie en mogelijkheid om je aan te melden. Op
de website
van de VHS met de agenda vindt je meer, n.l. het Abstract:

"According to Spinoza, our
natural right is simply a right to do anything in our power. Someone
who rescues a woman from drowning does so by natural right, but the
same applies to a man who rapes her. This view may well strike you as
both outrageous and pointless; and indeed, that is the problem. What
are we to do with a conception of natural rights that is so distant
from the ones with which we are familiar and seems to lack the very
qualities that make natural rights valuable? And why should Spinoza,
a generally benevolent if tough-minded theorist, have adopted such a
maverick position? Given the centrality that he assigns to natural
right, these questions have received surprisingly little attention.
In this paper I try to answer them, and in doing so to draw out what
I take to be two productive aspects of Spinoza¹s view."