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S. Paul Kashap was Professor of Philosophy aan de University
of California, Santa Cruz, en is nu Professor Emeritus van die universiteit [cf.]
Hij redigeerde "the first collection ever of articles
on Spinoza," volgens Kashap zelf in “Some Recent Works on Spinoza's
Thought." [cf. hierna]
S. Paul Kashap, Studies
in Spinoza, Critical and Interpretive Essays. Berkeley, University
of California Press, 1972 – 355 pagina's
of contents
Introduction S. PAUL KASHAP
Spinoza's Doctrine of God in Relation to His Conception of Causality T. M.
Spinoza's Conception of the Attributes of Substance A WOLF
Spinoza's Definition of Attribute FRANCIS S. HASEROT
Spinoza and the Status of Universals FRANCIS S. HASEROT
Spinoza and Time S. ALEXANDER
Personal Identity in Spinoza RUTH L. SAW
Notes on the Second Part of Spinoza's Ethics (I) H. BARKER
Notes on the Second Part of Spinoza's Ethics (II) H. BARKER
Notes on the Second Part of Spinoza's Ethics (III) H. BARKER
On a Reputed Equivoque in the Philosophy of Spinoza H.F. HALLETT
Some Incoherencies in Spinozism (I) A. E. TAYLOR
Truth and Falsity in Spinoza G.H.R. PARKINSON
Spinoza and Language DAVID SAVAN
Spinoza's Theory of Knowledge Applied to
Spinoza's Doctrine of Privation RAPHAEL DEMOS
Some Incoherencies in Spinozism (II) A. E. TAYLOR
Spinoza and the Idea of Freedom STUART HAMPSHIRE
Thought and Action in Spinoza S. PAUL KASHAP
Dat boek is al een hele poos out of print en is bij de uitgever
en bij
in z’n geheel online te lezen. Vele artikelen die erin verzameld zijn worden
nog steeds geciteerd. David Gadd gaf de volgende korte, treffende bespreking in: Dialogue [Volume 13 / Issue 01 / March
1974, pp 184-184 – [html]