Pier Marco Turchetti’s Affecta


Al eerder hebben componisten muziek gemaakt op de 48 definities van de affecten uit de Ethica. Zo zette bijvoorbeeld de Griekse componist Yannis Kyriakides de 48 emoties in Spinoza's Ethica om in 48 muzikale bewegingen [zie dit blog]

Onlangs deed dat ook de jazzpianist Pier Marco Turchetti. Hij bracht de dubbel-CD met piano-solo: Affecta – 48 piano improvisations on the 48 affects of Spinoza’s Ethics.

Beluister hieronder de eerste track, "Cupidità", die onlangs op Youtube werd gezet.

"This piano solo is a musical tribute to the great thinker Baruch Spinoza (1632-1677), to the deductive spirit of his method, to the segmental rigor of his system, and also to the emotional temperatures' scale of human feeling. The improvisations are directly inspired by the definitions of the 48 feelings from the third part of his philosophical masterpiece "Etica ordine geometrico demonstrata" (1677). The musical art expressed in this double CD is polymorphic and ramified: one can indeed hear instant compositions and improvisations on preset material, thematic evocations, repeated modules, parametric structures, responsorial or episodic forms. The pluri-stylism of music writing is a response to the multi-directionality of Spinoza's philosophical postulates. The ultimate result of this solo and solitary experience is due in large part to the study of method and practice of so called "tabula rasa", conducted with Maestro Stefano Battaglia." [Hier]