Nieuwe studie over Nietzsche die Spinoza zag als: "die ersten Aristokraten in der Geschichte des Geistes"


Vorig jaar verscheen in een nieuw, vijfde, deel in de serie
bij de Duitse uitgever Walter de Gruyter, “Nietzsche Today,” een uitgebreid
hoofdstuk over Nietzsche over Spinoza, waar ik graag op wijs:

David Wollenberg, “Power, Affect, Knowledge: Nietzsche on
Spinoza,” in: João Constancio, Maria Joao Mayer Branco & Bartholomew Ryan, Nietzsche and the Problem of Subjectivity.
de Gruyter
GmbH & Co KG, 2015, p. 65-94 –

De auteur geeft op zijn pagina bij
alleen een beginstukje van zijn hoofdstuk, dat ik hier overneem:

Spinoza is not a philosopher who
many readers immediately associate with Nietzsche. The two may even appear as
bookends to the rationalist enlightenment project. Spinoza once asked,
"who but a desperate and insane person would want to say farewell to
reason?"; Nietzsche is sometimes considered to have made precisely such a
valediction. Spinoza wrote his great work, the Ethics, in a 'geometric order,'
a tightly-constructed philosophic system of propositions and demonstrations;
Nietzsche consistently attacked such systems as manifestations of calcified
thinking and even intellectual cowardice. Spinoza's political thinking calls
for the creation of a strong, even absolute, state; Zarathustra refers to the
state as "the coldest of all cold monsters."

despite these differences and others, Nietzsche embraced Spinoza as a fellow
member of "die ersten Aristokraten in der Geschichte des Geistes."