Nieuw boek over Leo Strauss op komst


de vele boeken die al over Leo Strauss verschenen zijn, wordt er
volgende maand weer een toegevoegd.

Martin D. Yaffe and Richard S.
Ruderman (Eds.), Reorientation: Leo Strauss in the 1930s.
Palgrave Macmillan, 10 Jul 2014

Daarin Chapter 2. Spinoza's
Critique of Religion: Reading Too Literally and Not Reading Literally
Enough; Steven Frank

Met in een Appendix: Seven
Writings by Leo Strauss

Volgens de blurb zou [niet Spinoza, maar] Strauss de eerste sinds de Middeleeuwen zijn geweest die met de ware betekenis van politieke filosofie kwam. Alsof hij het zo belangrijke theologisch-politieke probleem niet van Spinoza had.

"Reorientation: Leo Strauss in the
1930s seeks to explain the 'change in orientation' that Strauss
underwent during a decade of personal and political upheaval. Though
he began to garner attention in the 1950s, it was in the 1930s that
Strauss made a series of fundamental breakthroughs which enabled him
to recover, for the first time since the Middle Ages, the genuine
meaning of political philosophy. Despite this being a period of
marked output and activity for Strauss, his research in this era
remains overlooked. This volume is the first to assemble in one place
an examination of Strauss' various publications throughout the
decade, providing a comprehensive analysis of his work during the
period. It includes, for the first time in English, five newly
translated writings of Strauss from 1929–37, brought to life with
insight from leading scholars in the field."