Metafysica en zelfs substantiebegrip weer helemaal terug van weggeweest


Van John Heil, directeur van het project Metaphysics and Mind aan de Washington University [PDF], verscheen vorig jaar het boek The Universe As We Find it [Oxford University Press, 2012].

Hij zet zich niet af tegen maar echoot en ontwikkelt verder "The Big Picture" in de lijn van oude filosofen – zoals laat zien: 20 hits Plato, 23 Aristoteles, 22 hits Spinoza, 39 Descartes, 55 Locke…

Chad Carmichael’s review op NPDR begint aldus: “In this ambitious work, John Heil presents a fundamental ontology (chapters 1-8) consisting of finitely many substances and their properties (which he thinks of as particular, trope-like things), together with an account of causation, truthmaking, and a chapter on relations generally. He then applies this ontology (chapters 9-12) to a number of outstanding problems about reductionism, kinds, essences, emergence, consciousness, cognition, and much else. A final chapter reprises the main points about fundamental ontology from the first chapters.” [cf NPDR]


Michael Esfeld besprak in in Metaphysica [14 (2013), pp. 143–148] dit boek samen met nog twee andere: David J. Chalmers, Constructing the world [Oxford: Oxford University Press 2012] – cf PDF Introduction en (heeft geen Spinoza) – en

Theodore R. Sider, Writing the book of the world [Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011]