Ksenija Atanasijevic (1894 – 1981) Eerste Servische vrouw doctor in de filosofie voorzag een Servische Latijnse Ethica-uitgave van aantekeningen


Ksenija Atanasijevic was the first recognised major female
Serbian philosopher, and one of the first female professors of Belgrade
University, where she graduated. She wrote about Giordano Bruno, ancient Greek
philosophy and the history of Serbian philosophy, and translated some of the
most important philosophical works into the Serbian language, including
materials by Aristotle and Plato. She was also an early Serbian feminist writer
and philosopher.

In wikipedia,
noch in de uitgebreide biografie over haar in

Francisca de Haan, Krasimira Daskalova & Anna Loutfi
(Ed.), Biographical Dictionary of Women's
Movements and Feminisms in Central, Eastern, and South Eastern Europe: 19th and
20th Centuries
[Central European University Press, 2006 –
books.google] kom je tegen dat zij een dubbeltalige Latijn-Servische uitgave
verzorgde van de Ethica – vertaling, een studie over Spinoza en aantekeningen van haar hand:

Baruh de Spinoza, ETIKA geometrijskim redom izlozena i u pet delova podeljena. Prevod s latinskog i komentari Dr Ksenija Atanasijeviæ / predgovor [Voorwoord] Dr Radmila Šajkoviæ. Privredni Pregled, Beograd, 1934 / Kultura, Beograd 1959, 1970, 1983