Inutilis scientia Spinozana [157] De waarheid openbaart zichzelf of: een keurige correctie


In juli van dit jaar verscheen van de Braziliaanse
schrijfster Clarice Lispector, The
Complete Stories
. Edited by Benjamin Moser. Translated by Katrina Dodson.
, 2015 [met deze aparte cover, cf. Amazon]

The New York Times had op 27 juli 2015 een bespreking door
Terrence Rafferty van dit boek. [

Daarop verscheen een maand later, op 23 augustus 2015 deze
ingezonden brief:

To the Editor:

While I appreciate Terrence Rafferty’s candid and
enlightening review of Clarice Lispector’s “Complete Stories” (Aug. 2), I
wonder why, aside from her years of travel as a diplomat’s wife, no mention is
made of another influence on her art. A brief treatment of her birth to a
Jewish family in Ukraine, the family’s immigration to Brazil when Clarice was
an infant, her fascination with the philosophy of Benedict Spinoza as well as
Jewish mysticism might have further elucidated Rafferty’s emphasis on
instability as central to the lives of her characters.