College, Columbia University) bezig met zijn lezing, getiteld: “Philosophia
Spinozana Destructa: Henry More (1671-1679)” [cf.]
Dit gebeurt op een conferentie die wordt gehouden n.a.v. van
More’s 400e geboortedag. De en.wikipedia
laat zien dat hij op 12 oktober 1614 geboren werd, maar verder – zoals zo vaak
gebeurt – wordt er niets over zijn preoccupatie met Spinoza vermeld. More was
een van de beroemde zgn. Cambridge Platonists.
Al ruim 6 jaar geleden had ik over hem dit gevonden in
de Stanford
Encyclopedia of Philosophy:
"More wrote two short attacks on Spinoza, one against
the Tractatus
theologico-politicus (1670), which More read in 1677, and one
against the “two pillars” of Spinoza's atheism, the necessary existence of
substance and that there is only one substance. However, he seems to have
written them both hurriedly as he was preparing the Latin translations of his
works for inclusion in the second and third volumes of his Opera omnia in 1679 (volume 1 had
already appeared in 1675). Indeed, he told Anne Conway that he “could not
forbeare” from confuting Spinoza while he was still in the process of reading
him. Both of these critiques of Spinoza, were included at the end of volume two
and there is little evidence that they made any impression." [hier]