Eugene Ostashevsky’s The life and opinions of DJ Spinoza


Eugene OstashevskyVier maanden geleden verscheen van de in Rusland, in St. Petersburg, geboren maar in Amerika getogen en in New York wonende Eugene Ostashevsky, The life and opinions of DJ Spinoza. Volgens de uitgever (SDP, imprint: Ugly Duckling Presse) betreft het “a cycle of fast, tragic, unsettling, hilarious poems about the shortcomings of reason. Eugene Ostashevsky's book responds to The Ethics of the seventeenth-century philosopher B. Spinoza, a work that seeks to construct an axiomatic system that is a theory of everything in a natural form of language with all its inconsistencies and ambivalence. Ostashevsky is the author of ITERATURE, also carried by SPD.”  

Ostashevsky doceert vergelijkende literatuurwetenschappen aan de New York University (zie meer aan 't eind *) en is de redacteur en hoofdvertaler van OBERIU: An Anthology of Russian Absurdism, (Northwestern University Press) met werk uit de 30-iger jaren van Alexander Vvedensky, Daniil Kharms en anderen.