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Interpreting SpinozaInterpreting Spinoza. Critical Essays
Edited by Charlie Huenemann (Utah State University), Cambridge University Press, ISBN 9780521871839, 2008 (Published February), 206 pages £45.00

The philosophy of Spinoza is increasingly recognised as holding a position of crucial importance and influence in early modern thought, and in recent years it has been the focus of a rich and growing body of scholarship. In this volume of essays, leading experts in the field offer penetrating analyses of his views about God, necessity, imagination, the mind, knowledge, history, society, and politics. The essays treat questions of perennial importance in Spinoza scholarship but also constitute new and critical examinations of his worldview. Scholars of modern philosophy will welcome this volume as a collection of some of the very best recent work done on Spinoza's philosophy.

• Covers a wide range of topics including Spinoza’s views on God, the mind, knowledge, society, and politics • Written by a strong team of contributors • Pulls together much recent scholarship on Spinoza

• Contributors
Don Garrett, Michael Della Rocca, Steven Nadler, Michael V. Griffin, Charlie Huenemann, Michael A. Rosenthal, Susan James, Tom Sorell, Daniel Garber