Béatrice Longuenesse op de Spinoza Leerstoel 2017


Sinds 1995 benoemt de afdeling wijsbegeerte van de Universiteit
van Amsterdam iemand op de Spinoza Leerstoel. Een belangrijke taak van de
leerstoelhouder is het geven van twee Spinoza Lezingen. The Spinoza Lectures
are given by high-profile thinkers of our time. They are intended for a wide
audience that would like to keep abreast of current developments in philosophy.

Dit jaar is Béatrice Longuenesse voor de Spinoza Leerstoel

Béatrice Longuenesse is Silver Professor of Philosophy at
New York University and a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.
She studied philosophy at the Ecole Normale Supérieure (Paris, France), the
University of Paris-Sorbonne and, as a visiting student, Princeton University.
She taught at Paris-Sorbonne, the Ecole Normale Supérieure, the University of
Besançon and the University of Clermont-Ferrand before joining the philosophy
department at Princeton University in 1993. She left Princeton for NYU in 2004.  Ze bestudeerde en schreef vooral over Hegel en Kant. [NYU, wiki], o.a.

Béatrice Longuenesse, HEGEL’S CRITIQUE OF METAPHYSICS [Hegel et la Critique de la Metaphysique
[Librairie Philosophique] J. Vrin, Paris, 1981] translated by NICOLE J. SIMEK.
Cambridge University Press, 2007 [PDF

Zij geeft de twee Spinoza Lectures op 11 mei en 9 juni 2017.