‘t Spinozisme van de Fransen (en Negri) in de ‘60-‘80-iger jaren – een informatief overzicht


Eerder wees ik in blogs op het werk van Knox Peden, Spinoza Contra Phenomenology. French
Rationalism from Cavaillès to Deleuze.
cf. en cf.] en van Katja Diefenbach [cf. en cf.].Bij beiden is veel te vinden over de Spinoza-studie
van de Fransen in de '60-'80-iger jaren.

Nu pas ontdekte ik een boeiend overzicht van de hand

Duffy, "French and Italian Spinozism." Chapter 7 In: Rosi Braidotti
(ed.), After Poststructuralism:
Transitions and Transformations
[History of Continental Philosophy' in 8
volumes. Volume 7]. Acumen Publishing & University of Chicago Press, 2010,
398 pp, [renewed]
Routledge, 2014, 416 pp,  [cf.]

Graag geef ik hier door dat het stuk in z’n geheel bijj books.gppgle te lezen is

Het werd bij de NDPR door  Constantin
V. Boundas gereviewed. Hij schreef over dit hoofdstuk:

Simon Duffy's chapter on French and Italian Spinozism is, of course, an
indispensable component of the volume, given the continuing centrality of
Spinoza in Continental philosophy. It is also very informative, given the brief
but accurate presentations of Guéroult's, Alquié's, Althusser's, Mathéron's,
Deleuze's, Balibar's, Macherey's, Moreau's and Negri's work on the philosopher
of immanence. It is nonetheless open to some criticism since, with the
exception of Negri, none of the other thinkers belong to the fifteen years that
the volume made its own. This criticism could be deflected if the continuing
resonance of the legacy of these thinkers were to be made more conspicuous. It
is also a pity that François Zourabichvili's important work on Spinoza has been